First up a Crazy faced Luna:
It's just not a cel gallery update without a Sailor Moon cel, and usually one of the delightful Moon cats. Today we have this great cel of a swirly eyed Luna, we haven't IDed the episode yet, but given the amount of time Luna spends exasperated it could be from almost any ep in any season.
Second is Jingoro from Kimagure Orange Road:
This AMV made use fall in love with Jingoro, the big fat cat from KOR. We've been looking for a cel of him since we first saw it many years ago. Unfortunately finding art of Jingoro has proved difficult and while we snagged a sketch of him previously we'd never seen a cel of him. So I was thrilled to find this cel and give it to Jen for Christmas.
Third is this model cel from the Mario Cartoon:
The Mario cartoon series isn't great, but I've always loved it regardless. So I was thrilled to get this model cel of Mario. I'm a little sad that only one Mario is painted, but given that I haven't seen any other model cels from the series I'm pretty excited to have snagged this one at all.
Finally this gorgeous shot of Shuro from Ayashi no Ceres:
Shuro was always one of the more interesting celestial descendants due to her gender swapping and singing career. Like all the descendants of Ceres she's also absolutely gorgeous (luckily for the boys on our prettiest anime boys list she identifies as female when given the opportunity or she'd might have had to dethrone one of them). Ceres cels are really hit or miss in terms of quality but this one is one of the best looking ones we've seen and we're happy to have in our collection.
That's it for now, not that many but still some really beautiful pieces we feel very lucky to own. We hope you enjoy looking at them as much as we do.
Don't forget to stop by our shop for anime cels for sale:
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